Add-money-to-paytm-wallet with PHP

How to add money to paytm wallet with help of PHP
If any developer wants to add the feature to the app or website to transfer money to paytm wallet. They can transfer with help of API. Here I will tell how to create an API which helps you to transfer money to paytm wallet.
1. Paytm will provide the access to you for money transfer, you need to contact with paytm.

Paytm Gratification wallet

Gratification wallet is made for your advantage so you can easily store your digital money and pay your clients in different structures like cashback, reward, devotion point. It could likewise be utilized to pay your representatives or anybody you need as repayment, R&R, gifting and so forth
2. You need to open the bank account. They will interlink your account with gratifiction dashboard.

Gratification Dashboard Panel

If you successfully create the api which help you to transfer money, Paytm will provide the gratification dashboard to you for
manage the digital money transfer, In the gratification dashbard,

1.User can able to see the transaction.
2.In the dashboard panel you have the main wallet, you just create the sub wallet, with help of sub wallet you can transfer
  the digital money to user.
You just share your company details with Paytm.
1.Certificate of Incorporation (should include legal name, address and date of establishment) 2.Company PAN card 3.Declaration of authorised signatory (in the attached format). This document should carry your seal & stamp too. 4.PAN card of authorised signatory 5.Address proof of the authorised signatory (Driving license/Voter ID/Aadhar card/Passport)
Kindly check the below link for technical integration details and the gratification panel.


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